Starbound Wiki

Storage units come in many different types, including but not limited to: chests, lockers, boxes, barrels, and wardrobes. A large number of storage items can be crafted, but many can also be found simply by exploring planets, looting villages, and finding dungeons.

Chests are common underground and on the surface, and often hold pixels, tiered gear, and sometimes even instruments. Storage units found in villages hold items such as blueprints, pixels, flares, misc items, and more.

Storage units can hold different amounts of items, and come in varying sizes. Size usually (but not always) correlates to carrying capacity.

Storage density[]

The storage density is the the number of storage slots divided by the size of the storage (height x width). For example, at the time of writing, a "laboratory locker" has a size of 4 (2x2), for a storage space of 9 slots, which gives a storage density of 9/4 = 2.25. The reference of the storage density is always calculated with stackable storage. In case of a non-stackable storage (as chests are), one row has to be added to the size (for the platform necessary to stack them) for the calculation. For example, at the time of writing, an "Old chest" is 16 slots for a 2x2 size; which gives a storage density of 16/(2x3) = 16/6 = 2.67.

Storage units sorted by storage density[]

In the case of stackable and non-stackable equivalents, the stackable ones are given priority, since they need less work to be placed. Then priority goes to the biggest ones. Also, in cases of ties, items are sorted alphabetically.

Storage units sorted by storage density
Storage name Density Storage appearance
Engraved Avian Tomb 2.67
Metal Crate 2.67
Wooden Crate 2.67
Old Chest 2.67
Laboratory Locker 2.25
Large Wooden Crate 2
Outpost Cargo Crate 2
Lunar Base Locker 1.92
Outpost Short Cargo Crate 1.6
Cool Cupboard 1.6
Huge Primitive Cabinet 0.7

Storage units by capacity[]

9 slots[]

16 slots[]

24 slots[]

32 slots[]

48 slots[]

  • Lockers

64 slots[]
